Brain Imaging of rTMS Treatment for Depression

Not Recruiting

Trial ID: NCT01829165


The overarching goal of this research program is to elucidate causal and directional neural network- level abnormalities in depression, and how they are modulated by an individually-tailored, circuit-directed intervention. By using concurrent TMS and fMRI, the investigators can overcome a major limitation of neuroimaging - the inability to demonstrate causality. The investigators' findings will serve as a platform for future studies wherein TMS treatment can be directly guided by the investigators' ability to image and causally manipulate specific neural networks. Aim 1: To examine causal interactions between two major brain networks in depression. Aim 2: To examine the impact of antidepressant TMS on causal network abnormalities in depression. Hypothesis 1: Depressed subjects will show blunted responses, compared to healthy controls, in two targeted and interacting networks, using concurrent transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Hypothesis 2: Treatment of patients with high-frequency repetitive TMS (rTMS) will result in normalization of baseline network-level deficits, and be predicted by degree of baseline network abnormalities.

Official Title

A Causal Neural Network-level Understanding of Depression and Its Treatment Through Concurrent TMS and fMRI


Inclusion Criteria:

   - Men and women, ages 18 to 50

   - Depression assessed through phone screen

   - Must comprehend English well to ensure adequate comprehension of the fMRI and TMS
   instructions, and of clinical scales

   - Has failed >1 previous adequate antidepressant medication trials

   - Right-handed

   - No current or history of neurological disorders

   - No seizure disorder or risk of seizures

Exclusion Criteria:

   - Any contraindication to being scanned in the 3T scanners at the Lucas Center or CNI
   such as having a pacemaker or implanted device that has not been cleared for scanning
   at the Lucas Center or CNI

   - Any unstable medical condition, any significant CNS neurological condition such as
   stroke, seizure, tumor, hemorrhage, multiple sclerosis, etc

   - Current rTMS treatment or prior treatment failure with rTMS

   - Current electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) or prior treatment failure with ECT

   - Currently pregnant or breastfeeding


device: rTMS Treatment

device: Sham rTMS Treatment

Not Recruiting

Contact Information

Stanford University
School of Medicine
300 Pasteur Drive
Stanford, CA 94305
Lisa McTeague, PhD