Managing Clinical Trials
Publishing and Updating Trials on Stanford Medicine Websites
Confirm that your trial is listed on
Check your Profiles inbox for a message about the trial
Click on the pencil icon in the message and:
Select the category which best fits your trial
Select the medical conditions associated with your trial (VERY IMPORTANT)
Add keywords that participants might use to find your trial
Confirm that Stanford location, contact information, and recruitment status is correct.
If Stanford is NOT the lead sponsor you may edit this information in Profiles. Editing information in Profiles will not change the trial's listing.
If Stanford IS the lead sponsor this information must be edited on Our system publishes updates made on within 24 hours.
4. Click 'submit' and the trial will be published to your Profile and to Stanford Medicine Enterprise websites including and
5. If your trial is listed on and you do NOT have a message in Profiles, you may import the trial via the 'import' feature. Simply enter the trial's NCT ID (example:NCT00323167)
Trials accepted via the researcher's Profile will be published on profiles,,, and other Stanford Medicine Enterprise websites.