©2025 Stanford Medicine
An Observational Study of Fungal Biomarkers (MK-0000-089)
Not Recruiting
Trial ID: NCT00854607
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the relationship between fungal biomarker levels during anti-fungal therapy and the success of treatment for fungal infection. The primary hypothesis is that over the initial two weeks of anti-fungal therapy, fungal biomarkers from participants with invasive aspergillosis (IA) will be lower for those with a successful clinical outcome compared to those with a failed clinical outcome.
Official Title
A Prospective, Non-Intervention, Observational Assessment of the Correlation Between Circulating Biomarkers of Fungal Bioburden and Clinical Outcome in the Setting of Invasive Aspergillosis
Stanford Investigator(s)
Dora Ho
Clinical Professor, Medicine - Infectious Diseases
Inclusion Criteria:
* Is 16 years of age or older
* Female is either post-menopausal, surgically sterilized, willing to use 2 adequate methods of birth control, or agrees to abstain from heterosexual activity throughout the study
* Female of child bearing potential must have a negative pregnancy test
* Male is surgically sterilized, agrees to use an adequate method of contraception, or agrees to abstain from heterosexual activity for the duration of the study
* Has possible, probable, or confirmed invasive aspergillosis (IA)
* Has had a computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan 72 hours prior to initiation of anti-fungal therapy
Exclusion Criteria:
* Has had hemodialysis using cellulose membrane within 2 weeks of study start
other: No Intervention
Not Recruiting
Contact Information
Stanford University
School of Medicine
300 Pasteur Drive
BMT Referrals