©2025 Stanford Medicine
Activities for Cognitive Enhancement of Seniors
Not Recruiting
Trial ID: NCT01094509
Cognitive aging and cognitive decline are important public health concerns in an aging US population. The investigators will conduct a randomized controlled trail among healthy older adults to assess effects of several innovative activities on remediation of age-related cognitive decline.
Official Title
Tai Chi and Guided Autobiography for Remediation of Age-related Cognitive Decline
Stanford Investigator(s)
Victor W. Henderson, MD, MS
Professor of Epidemiology and Population Health and of Neurology and Neurological Sciences
Inclusion Criteria:
* 70 years of age or older.
* No other household member already enrolled.
* In reasonably good health: no serious cognitive problem; free of any condition that would limit your ability to participate in Tai Chi classes (a moderate intensity exercise), in Qigong exercises, in a writing program, or in a seminar series.
* Not presently engaged in a regular exercise program; not presently engaged in Tai Chi Qigong or another form of Eastern exercise; and not a regular writer.
* Not now engaged in research to enhance cognitive skills.
* Willing to travel to Stanford for ACE-Seniors program classes. Planning to be in the area during most of the coming year;
* Willing to be assigned randomly (by chance) to one of the ACE-Senior activities.
Exclusion Criteria:
* Failure to meet inclusion criteria.
behavioral: Tai Chi
behavioral: Guided autobiography
behavioral: Qigong
behavioral: Successful aging
behavioral: Combination
behavioral: Comparison
Not Recruiting
Contact Information
Stanford University
School of Medicine
300 Pasteur Drive
Leonor Urbain, MS