A Novel fNIRS Neurofeedback Intervention for Enhancement of Working Memory in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Not Recruiting

Trial ID: NCT04002167


The proposed study is to test and validate a novel intervention that integrates computerized cognitive training with real-time neuromonitoring and neurofeedback to enhance working memory by probing the individualized neural systems underlying working memory. We will test the proposed intervention on children with ADHD with working memory deficits. The R61 proof-of-concept phase will assess the target engagement, effective dose and feasibility.

Official Title

A Novel Neuromonitoring Guided Cognitive Intervention for Targeted Enhancement of Working Memory

Stanford Investigator(s)


Inclusion criteria include:

* Age from 7 to 11 years
* Diagnosis and/or current symptoms of ADHD
* Full-scale Intelligence quotient (IQ) ≥80
* Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Functions (BRIEF), Working Memory Scale t-score \> 65
* Allowed comorbidities include oppositional defiant disorder, learning disabilities excluding dyslexia, and mild anxiety and/or depression.

Exclusion criteria:

* Presence of severe neurological or psychiatric disease other than those allowed under inclusion
* Sensory deficits that would preclude participation in assessments or imaging
* History of significant head trauma with loss of consciousness
* Contraindications to MRI (e.g. metal implants or claustrophobia)
* Enrollment in other intervention studies


behavioral: Neurofeedback

behavioral: Cognitive training

Not Recruiting

Contact Information

Stanford University
School of Medicine
300 Pasteur Drive
Stanford, CA 94305
Hannah Fingerhut