Combination Chemotherapy and Rituximab in Treating Patients With Untreated Mantle Cell Lymphoma

Not Recruiting

Trial ID: NCT00433537


This phase II trial is studying how well giving rituximab together with combination chemotherapy and bortezomib works in treating patients with untreated mantle cell lymphoma. Monoclonal antibodies, such as rituximab, can block cancer growth in different ways. Some block the ability of cancer cells to grow and spread. Others find cancer cells and help kill them or carry cancer-killing substances to them. Drugs used in chemotherapy, such as cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine, and dexamethasone, work in different ways to stop the growth of cancer cells, either by killing the cells or stopping them from dividing. Bortezomib may stop the growth of cancer cells by blocking some of the enzymes needed for cell growth. Giving rituximab together with combination chemotherapy and bortezomib may kill more cancer cells. Treatment consists of six agents: bortezomib (Vc), rituximab (R), cyclophosphamide (C), vincristine (V), doxorubicin (A), and dexamethasone (D) (VcR-CVAD).

Official Title

A Phase II Study of VcR-CVAD With Rituximab Maintenance for Untreated Mantle Cell Lymphoma

Stanford Investigator(s)

Harlan Pinto
Harlan Pinto

Associate Professor of Medicine (Oncology) and of Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery


Inclusion Criteria:

* Patients must have a histologically confirmed diagnosis of mantle cell lymphoma by demonstrating appropriate morphology plus at least one of the following on the biopsy specimen: nuclear cyclin D1+ by immunohistochemistry; t(11;14) by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), polymerase chain reaction (PCR), or conventional karyotyping
* No prior chemotherapy, immunotherapy or radiotherapy for mantle cell lymphoma; a brief course of steroids (\< 14 days) for symptom relief or steroids for other indications are allowed
* Patients must have measurable disease; CT scans at baseline are required to define the extent of measurable disease; the scans must be obtained within 6 weeks prior to registration; combined CT/PET scans may be used for the baseline and subsequent evaluations if accurate tumor measurements can be obtained from the CT component
* Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) performance status 0-2
* Absolute neutrophil count (ANC) \> 1500 mm\^3 (unless low count due to marrow involvement or splenomegaly)
* Platelets \> 100,000 mm\^3 (unless low counts due to marrow involvement or splenomegaly)
* Creatinine \< 2 mg/dL
* Bilirubin \< 2 mg/dL (may be up to 3.0 mg/dL if due to Gilbert's disease or due to liver involvement by lymphoma)
* Patients over the age of 45 must have a left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) of greater than 45% documented within 90 days prior to registration
* Patients must be tested for Hepatitis B surface antigen (HBs Ag) within 4 weeks prior to registration NOTE: HBs Ag positive patients are not excluded but will have more stringent monitoring of liver function tests

Exclusion Criteria:

* Known HIV disease; an HIV test is not required for entry on study but is required if the patient is perceived to be at risk; patients with a history of intravenous drug use or any other behavior with an increased risk for HIV infection should be tested for exposure to the HIV virus; patients with known HIV are excluded since the immunocompromised state of patients with HIV infection or the concomitant use of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) may result in more extensive dose modifications than intended for the intensive therapeutic regimen used in this study
* Pregnant or breast-feeding; all females of childbearing potential must have a blood test or urine study within 2 weeks prior to registration to rule out pregnancy; women of childbearing potential and sexually active males must use an accepted and effective method of contraception
* Grade 2 or higher baseline peripheral neuropathy
* Known hypersensitivity to boron or mannitol
* History of prior malignancy unless at least one of the following conditions are met:

* Malignancy was in-situ
* Malignancy was treated surgically or with local radiation therapy with curative intent and the patient has been disease free for \> 3 years
* Any adjuvant hormonal therapy must have been discontinued \> 3 months prior to registration
* Known central nervous system (CNS) involvement


biological: rituximab

biological: filgrastim

biological: pegfilgrastim

drug: bortezomib

drug: cyclophosphamide

drug: dexamethasone

drug: doxorubicin hydrochloride

drug: vincristine

procedure: Autologous stem cell transplantation (ASCT)

Not Recruiting

Contact Information

Stanford University
School of Medicine
300 Pasteur Drive
Stanford, CA 94305

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