Collecting and Storing Tissue Samples From Patients With Rare or Cutaneous Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma

Not Recruiting

Trial ID: NCT01000753


This research study is collecting and storing tissue samples from patients with rare or cutaneous non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Collecting and storing samples of tissue from patients with cancer to test in the laboratory may help the study of cancer in the future.

Official Title

Rare And Cutaneous Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Registry

Stanford Investigator(s)


Inclusion Criteria:

* Diagnosis of NHL

* Any histology, except for Burkitt or Burkitt-like, diffuse large B-cell, anaplastic large cell, or lymphoblastic lymphoma
* Primary CNS, primary cutaneous NHL, or lymphoproliferative diseases of any histology allowed
* Pathological specimen from site not treated within the past 6 months
* Must have specimens available
* At least 6 months since prior chemotherapy irradiation to study lesion
* At least 2 weeks since prior steroids


other: Cytology Specimen Collection Procedure

Not Recruiting

Contact Information

Stanford University
School of Medicine
300 Pasteur Drive
Stanford, CA 94305

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