©2024 Stanford Medicine
Clinical Validation of Machine Learning Triage of Chest Radiographs
Not Recruiting
Trial ID: NCT05224479
Artificial intelligence and machine learning have the potential to transform the practice of radiology, but real-world application of machine learning algorithms in clinical settings has been limited. An area in which machine learning could be applied to radiology is through the prioritization of unread studies in a radiologist's worklist. This project proposes a framework for integration and clinical validation of a machine learning algorithm that can accurately distinguish between normal and abnormal chest radiographs. Machine learning triage will be compared with traditional methods of study triage in a prospective controlled clinical trial. The investigators hypothesize that machine learning classification and prioritization of studies will result in quicker interpretation of abnormal studies. This has the potential to reduce time to initiation of appropriate clinical management in patients with critical findings. This project aims to provide a thoughtful and reproducible framework for bringing machine learning into clinical practice, potentially benefiting other areas of radiology and medicine more broadly.
Official Title
Clinical Validation of Machine Learning Triage of Chest Radiographs
Stanford Investigator(s)
Emily B. Tsai
Clinical Associate Professor, Radiology
Inclusion Criteria:
* Radiologist at Stanford Hospital and Clinics
Exclusion Criteria:
* None
other: Traditional workflow triage
other: Machine learning workflow triage
other: Random workflow triage
Not Recruiting
Contact Information
Stanford University
School of Medicine
300 Pasteur Drive