English Diabetes Self-Management Program

Not Recruiting

Trial ID: NCT00684086


We propose a diabetes self-management program evaluation and dissemination project with three components. 1. A six-month randomized trial to evaluate the effect of a community-based small group Diabetes Self Management Program (DSMP) on the health related quality of life, metabolic control and health care utilization of people with type 2 diabetes. 2. A long-term (12 month) longitudinal evaluation of the same program. 3. Two 5 day workshops to train others in California in how to lead and administer the program.

Official Title

English Diabetes Self-Management Program

Stanford Investigator(s)


Inclusion Criteria:

* Individuals with prior diagnosis of type 2 Diabetes.
* Able to speak and comprehend English.
* Able to give and complete consent forms.
* Able to complete baseline questionnaire and 2-3 follow-up questionnaires either in writing or by telephone.
* Able to attend respective community meetings or allow study staff to collect the following metabolic test measures: provide 3 drops of blood for Hemoglobin A1c and cholesterol HDL test (administered by subject), blood pressure measure, height and weight measures.
* Able to attend the Peer-Led Community-Based Diabetes Self-Management Program workshops offered once a week for six weeks at a community site near subjects residence.

Exclusion Criteria:

* Individuals not diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.
* Individuals diagnosed with type 1 diabetes.
* Pregnant women, including those diagnosed with gestational diabetes.
* Individuals who have been in active treatment for cancer in the past yar.
* Individuals not able to speak or comprehend English.
* Individuals who are currently or have previously participated in a similar program or study.
* Individuals that are not able to give consent or complete consent forms, and other study related forms such as questionnaires.
* Individuals who are not able and willing to provide metabolic test data.
* Individuals not able to attend the 6-week community classes in the target counties in California.


behavioral: Diabetes Self Management Program

Not Recruiting

Contact Information

Stanford University
School of Medicine
300 Pasteur Drive
Stanford, CA 94305
kate lorig