©2024 Stanford Medicine
Electronic Application of a Severe Sepsis Screening Tool and Management Bundle
I'm InterestedTrial ID: NCT01724463
Thousands of children die from Sepsis following routine infections. Many of these deaths can be prevented with earlier recognition and focused management. No tools are currently available to recognize the signs of early sepsis in children. The investigators have developed a electronic health record-based tool that will recognize children with sepsis early and trigger an alert to their hospital caregivers. The caregivers will be prompted to launch a focused management bundle that can stabilize these children, prevent further deterioration and reduce their chances of sepsis related complications and death. The proposed study will test the validity and effectiveness of this electronic tool in reducing sepsis mortality rates.
Official Title
Application of a Severe Sepsis Electronic Health Record Integrated Screening Tool and Management Bundle Study to Improve Sepsis Related Outcomes
Stanford Investigator(s)
Inclusion Criteria:
1. Age 1 month - 18 years
2. Clinical Suspicion of Infection
3. Patients in the Hospital or Emergency Department
Exclusion Criteria:
1. Status Asthmaticus patients on active bronchodilator therapy
2. Patients receiving Anesthesia
3. Day Surgery Patients
4. Outpatient Clinic Patients
5. Congenital Heart Disease Patients
6. Myocarditis Neonates Patients older than 18 years
other: Severe Sepsis Management Bundle
I'm InterestedContact Information
Stanford University
School of Medicine
300 Pasteur Drive