Genetic Testing in Screening Patients With Stage IB-IIIA Non-small Cell Lung Cancer That Has Been or Will Be Removed by Surgery (The ALCHEMIST Screening Trial)


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Trial ID: NCT02194738


This ALCHEMIST trial studies genetic testing in screening patients with stage IB-IIIA non-small cell lung cancer that has been or will be removed by surgery. Studying the genes in a patient's tumor cells may help doctors select the best treatment for patients that have certain genetic changes.

Official Title

Adjuvant Lung Cancer Enrichment Marker Identification and Sequencing Trial (ALCHEMIST)

Stanford Investigator(s)

Heather Wakelee
Heather Wakelee

Winston Chen and Phyllis Huang Professor

Joel Neal, MD, PhD
Joel Neal, MD, PhD

Professor of Medicine (Oncology)

Kavitha Ramchandran
Kavitha Ramchandran

Clinical Professor, Medicine - Oncology


Inclusion Criteria:

* For pre-surgical patients

* Suspected diagnosis of resectable non-small cell lung cancer; cancers with a histology of "adenosquamous" are considered a type of adenocarcinoma and thus a "nonsquamous" histology; patients with squamous cell carcinoma are eligible
* Suspected clinical stage of IIIA, II (IIA or IIB) or large IB (defined as size \>= 4 cm); Note: IB tumors \< 4 cm are NOT eligible; stage IB cancer based on pleural invasion is not eligible unless the tumor size is \>= 4 cm; the 7th edition of American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) staging will be utilized
* For post-surgical patients

* Completely resected non-small cell lung cancer with negative margins (R0); patients with squamous cell carcinoma are eligible only if they have not received adjuvant therapy
* Pathologic stage IIIA, II (IIA or IIB) or large IB (defined as size \>= 4 cm); Note: IB tumors \< 4 cm are NOT eligible; stage IB cancer based on pleural invasion is not eligible unless the tumor size is \>= 4 cm; the 7th edition of AJCC staging will be utilized
* Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) performance status 0-1
* Age ≥ 18 years
* No patients who have received neoadjuvant therapy (chemo- or radio-therapy) for this lung cancer
* No locally advanced or metastatic cancer requiring systemic therapy within 5 years prior to registration; no secondary primary lung cancer diagnosed concurrently or within 2 year prior to registration
* No prior treatment with agents targeting EGFR mutation, ALK rearrangement, and PD-1/PD-L1/CTLA-4
* No patients known to be pregnant or lactating
* Patients who have had local genotyping are eligible, regardless of the local result
* No patients with recurrence of lung cancer after prior resection
* Note: Post-surgical patients should proceed to registration immediately following preregistration
* Tissue available for the required analyses (either clinical tissue block or slides and scrolls)
* Completely resected NSCLC with negative margins (R0); cancers with a histology of "adenosquamous" are considered a type of adenocarcinoma and thus a "nonsquamous" histology
* Pathologic stage IIIA, IIA or IIB, or large IB (defined as size \>= 4 cm); Note: IB tumors \< 4 cm are NOT eligible; stage IB cancer based on pleural invasion is not eligible unless the tumor size is \>= 4 cm; the 7th edition of AJCC staging will be utilized
* Patients with squamous cell carcinoma are eligible only if they have not received adjuvant therapy
* In order to allow for time for central genotyping and eligibility for the ALCHEMIST treatment trial, patients must register within the following eligibility windows:

* Squamous patients:

* No adjuvant therapy permitted, register patient within 77 days following surgery
* Non-squamous patients:

* If no adjuvant therapy, register patient within 75 days following surgery
* If adjuvant chemotherapy or radiotherapy only, register patient within 225 days following surgery
* If adjuvant chemotherapy and radiation, register patient within 285 days following surgery


other: Cytology Specimen Collection Procedure

other: Clinical Observation

drug: Crizotinib

biological: Nivolumab

drug: Carboplatin

drug: Cisplatin

drug: Gemcitabine Hydrochloride

drug: Paclitaxel

biological: Pembrolizumab

drug: Pemetrexed

drug: Pemetrexed Disodium

drug: Erlotinib

other: Placebo Administration

procedure: Biospecimen Collection

procedure: Computed Tomography

procedure: Positron Emission Tomography

procedure: Echocardiography


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Contact Information

Stanford University
School of Medicine
300 Pasteur Drive
Stanford, CA 94305
Lisa Zhou

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