©2025 Stanford Medicine
Internet Diabetes Self-Management Workshop
Not Recruiting
Trial ID: NCT00185601
The purpose of this study is to determine of the effectiveness of an Internet based Diabetes Self-Management workshop for people with type II diabetes. Half of the people who complete the workshop will be invited to continue their education by participating in a email discussion group. Thus, we will be able to learn both the efficacy of the original program as well as its efficacy when reinforced by the discussion group.
Diabetes is a disease that must be managed day by day by the individual with the disease. Although we know a great deal about the self-management of type II diabetes, most self-management is less than optimal. In addition, most people with diabetes do not have an opportunity to participate in formal diabetes education. This study will determine if an Internet delivered educational workshop will help people with diabetes manage their disease. Thus we will be measuring changes in behaviors, changes in symptoms and changes in HbA1c, blood pressure, cholesterol, and weight. If successful the workshop will serve as a prototype for Internet diabetes education.
Official Title
Internet Diabetes Self-Management Evaluation
Stanford Investigator(s)
Inclusion Criteria::- Diabetes type 2
* Have internet access and email address
* Live in the United States
* 18 years of age or older Exclusion Criteria:- Previous participation in similar online or community-based self-management program
* Active treatment for cancer
* Pregnant
behavioral: Internet Diabetes Self-Management Program
Not Recruiting
Contact Information
Stanford University
School of Medicine
300 Pasteur Drive
Diana Laurent