Integrated Whole-Genome Analysis of Hematologic Disorders

Not Recruiting

Trial ID: NCT01108159


We will use new technologies to look at the DNA, RNA, proteins, and metabolites in the disease-containing blood, bone marrow, or tissue and normal cells from the skin. Our goal is to analyze all of the genes in the diseased and normal skin sample. By comparing the results of the diseased sample and normal skin cells and the results of the two types of genetic information (DNA and RNA), we should be able to identify genetic changes that are important for the initiation, progression, or treatment response of that particular disorder.

Official Title

Integrated Whole-Genome Analysis of Hematologic Disorders Using High-Throughput Sequencing and Array Technologies

Stanford Investigator(s)

James L. Zehnder, M.D.
James L. Zehnder, M.D.

Professor of Pathology (Research) and of Medicine (Hematology)

Scott D. Boyd, MD PhD
Scott D. Boyd, MD PhD

Stanford Professor of Food Allergy and Immunology and Professor of Pathology

Jason Gotlib

Professor of Medicine (Hematology)


Inclusion Criteria:

1. 18 years of age or older
2. Patient meets the clinical and/or pathologic criteria for the hematologic disorder being examined.
3. Patient is willing to provide a skin biopsy and five 10 mL tubes of peripheral blood.

Exclusion Criteria:

1. Less than 18 years of age
2. Patient is not willing to provide a skin biopsy and five 10 mL tubes of peripheral blood.


procedure: Blood Draw

procedure: Skin Biopsy

Not Recruiting

Contact Information

Stanford University
School of Medicine
300 Pasteur Drive
Stanford, CA 94305
Jason D Merker

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