Mild Depression 2 Week Observational Study

Not Recruiting

Trial ID: NCT00285831


The purpose of this study is to assess whether the dysphoric-like depressive characteristics observed in people with epilepsy are unique to this patient population in comparison to three control groups: Mild Depression (enrolled at Stanford University), Migraine Headaches (enrolled at Long Island Jewish Medical Center), and Multiple Sclerosis (enrolled at Rush University Medical Center).

Official Title

Dysphoric-like Disorder of Epilepsy, Is it Unique?

Stanford Investigator(s)

John Barry, MD
John Barry, MD

Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences (General Psychiatry and Psychology - Adult), Emeritus


Inclusion Criteria::

" Male or female 18 years of age or older. " Presence of a Depressive disorder that presents as a dysthymic or minor depressive disorder and whose score on the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) range between 11 and 20. Patients with major depression will be excluded.

" Is currently on stable doses of medications i.e., no change in treatment in the previous 30 days.

" Achieves a satisfactory score on the WRAT3 (standard score is \> 69). " Is capable of completing the self-reporting questionnaires. " Is willing and able to provide written informed consent and comply with the study protocol\ Exclusion Criteria:" Presence of a clinically significant comorbidity of an unstable or progressive nature (e.g., psychosis, delirium) that could, in the opinion of the investigator, prevent completion of the questionnaires or warrant immediate medical intervention.

" Participation in an investigational trial within the past 30 days. " Inability to communicate well with site study personnel, e.g. inability to read or understand English, poor mental development or impaired brain function.

" Patients with a clinical picture that meets criterion of major depression.

Not Recruiting

Contact Information

Stanford University
School of Medicine
300 Pasteur Drive
Stanford, CA 94305
Jessica Hawkins