Parastomal Reinforcement With Strattice

Not Recruiting

Trial ID: NCT00771407


The purpose of this study is to compare the clinical outcomes of patients undergoing surgery for a permanent abdominal wall ostomy with and without placement of Strattice fascial inlay, as measured by postoperative occurence of parastomal hernia.

Official Title

A Prospective, Multicenter, Randomized, Controlled, Third-party Blinded Study of Strattice Fascial Inlay for Parastomal Reinforcement in Patients Undergoing Surgery for Permanent Abdominal Wall Ostomies

Stanford Investigator(s)

Andrew A. Shelton, MD, FACS, FACRS
Andrew A. Shelton, MD, FACS, FACRS

Clinical Professor, Surgery - General Surgery


Inclusion Criteria:

* adults
* need for permanent ileostomy or colostomy

Exclusion Criteria:

* history of hernia at new ostomy site
* has previously implanted surgical mesh at site of planned ostomy
* requires a temporary ostomy
* has need for multiple ostomies
* is receiving chronic immunosuppression therapy, has MELD score of \> 17, has severe COPD, systemic infection, or known collagen disorder
* is bedridden or otherwise non-ambulatory


other: Standard ostomy creation

device: Strattice Reconstructive Matrix

Not Recruiting

Contact Information

Stanford University
School of Medicine
300 Pasteur Drive
Stanford, CA 94305
Moe Jalali

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