Pharmacokinetics of Ketamine in Infants and Children

Not Recruiting

Trial ID: NCT01100138


Dosing of medications is based on the plasma level achieved with a given dose and how long the medicine remains in the body. This study is called pharmacokinetics-that is, what the body does to the medication. Ketamine is an intravenous medication used for anesthesia and sedation in children. However the pharmacokinetics of Ketamine has not been systematically studied. We propose to study the pharmacokinetics of ketamine in different age groups of children ranging from infants to teenagers.

Official Title

Pharmacokinetics of Ketamine in Infants and Children

Stanford Investigator(s)

Chandra Ramamoorthy
Chandra Ramamoorthy

Professor of Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine (Pediatric), Emerita


Inclusion Criteria:

* Term infants (38 weeks gestation)and infants and children up to age 18 years.
* Patients who require procedures that necessitate at least 8 hours in the hospital and those being admitted after procedure will be eligible to participate.
* Patients who will receive ketamine as part of their standard anesthesia regimen.

Exclusion Criteria:

* Preterm neonates
* Liver Disease
* Kidney disease
* Heart failure
* Sepsis
* Patients receiving anticonvulsants or barbiturates


drug: ketamine hydrochloride

Not Recruiting

Contact Information

Stanford University
School of Medicine
300 Pasteur Drive
Stanford, CA 94305
Archana Verma