©2025 Stanford Medicine
Personal Genomics for Preventive Cardiology
Not Recruiting
Trial ID: NCT01406808
The purpose of this study is to see if providing information to a person on their inherited (genetic) risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) helps to motivate that person to change their diet, lifestyle or medication regimen to alter their risk.
Official Title
A Pilot Randomized Trial of Personal Genomics for Preventive Cardiology
Stanford Investigator(s)
Joshua W. Knowles
Associate Professor of Medicine (Cardiovascular Medicine)
Euan A. Ashley
Arthur L. Bloomfield Professor of Medicine and Professor of Genetics, of Biomedical Data Science and, by courtesy, of Pathology
Inclusion Criteria:
* Adults age \> 18
* Patient seeking cardiovascular risk evaluation
* At intermediate (6-20%) or high risk (\> 20%) over 10 years of CAD as defined by Framingham 10 year risk score AND/OR at \> 20% risk of CAD over 30 years using the Framingham 30 year risk calculator
* The genetic risk factors have been evaluated predominantly in white/European subjects. However, there is considerable overlap in the genetic architecture of South Asians and Hispanic/Latino populations. Therefore, we will limit our initial studies to these three race/ethnicity groups.
Exclusion Criteria:
* History of myocardial infarction, angina, stroke, peripheral arterial disease, PCI, or CABG
* Already on lipid lowering therapy
* Anticipated survival \<1 year (e.g. metastatic cancer)
* Serious conditions that would limit ability to adhere to recommendations (inability to take statins, exercise)
* Already had genetic testing
* Concurrent enrollment in another clinical trial
* Pregnant or breastfeeding
behavioral: genetic risk score for coronary risk factors
Not Recruiting
Contact Information
Stanford University
School of Medicine
300 Pasteur Drive
Josh Knowles