©2025 Stanford Medicine
Phase 2/3, Randomized, Double-Masked, Sham-Controlled Trial of QPI-1007 in Subjects With Acute Nonarteritic Anterior Ischemic Optic Neuropathy (NAION)
Not Recruiting
Trial ID: NCT02341560
This study will determine the effect of QPI-1007 on visual function in subjects with recent-onset NAION and assess the safety and tolerability of intravitreal injections of QPI-1007 in this population. This study will also evaluate the structural changes in the retina following administration of QPI-1007.
Official Title
A Phase 2/3, Randomized, Double-Masked, Sham-Controlled Trial of QPI-1007 Delivered By Single or Multi-Dose Intravitreal Injection(s) to Subjects With Acute Nonarteritic Anterior Ischemic Optic Neuropathy (NAION)
Stanford Investigator(s)
Y. Joyce Liao, MD, PhD
Stanford Medicine Professor of Ophthalmology and Professor of Neurology and Neurological Sciences
Shannon Beres, MD
Clinical Associate Professor, Neurology Clinical Associate Professor (By courtesy), Ophthalmology
Heather E. Moss, MD, PhD
Professor of Ophthalmology and of Neurology and Neurological Sciences
Theodore Leng, MD, FACS
Professor of Ophthalmology (Ophthalmology Research/Clinical Trials) and, by courtesy, of Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine (MSD)
Steven Sanislo, MD
Clinical Professor, Ophthalmology
Key Inclusion Criteria:
* Positive diagnosis of first episode of NAION in the study eye with symptom onset within 14 days prior to planned study drug administration/sham procedure
* Best corrected visual acuity score in the study eye is better than or equal to 15 letter score, measured using the ETDRS visual acuity protocol at Day 1 prior to study drug administration/sham procedure.
* Clear ocular media and able to undergo adequate pupil dilation to allow a good fundus examination
Key Exclusion Criteria:
* Present use or history of any treatment for the current episode of NAION, including systemic steroids, brimonidine, or traditional Chinese herbal medicine
* Prior episode of NAION in the study eye only
* Present use of drugs known to cause optic nerve or retinal toxicity at Day 1/Randomization, such as: chloroquine or hydroxychloroquine, ethambutol, Vigabatrin. Subjects who need to be prescribed any of these drugs during the course of the study will be discontinued from the trial.
* Any medical condition, concomitant therapy, or previous incisional or laser surgery that, in the opinion of the Investigator, would preclude IVT injection in the study eye only
* Clinical evidence of temporal arteritis
other: Sham Injection Procedure
drug: QPI-1007 Injection - 1.5 mg
drug: QPI-1007 Injection - 3.0 mg
Not Recruiting
Contact Information
Stanford University
School of Medicine
300 Pasteur Drive
Mariana Nunez