PRIME Care (PRecision Medicine In MEntal Health Care)

Not Recruiting

Trial ID: NCT03170362


The focus of this application is on the impact of providing depressed Veterans and their providers with the results of pharmacogenetic (PGx) testing for psychotropic medications. The project focuses on whether and how patients and providers use genetic test results given to them at the time an antidepressant is to be initiated to treat Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) and whether use of the test results improves patient outcomes. MDD is one of the most common conditions associated with military service and combat exposure, increases suicide risk, and worsens the course of common medical conditions, making it a leading cause of functional impairment and mortality. Validation of a PGx test to personalize the treatment of MDD represents an important opportunity to improve the healthcare of Veterans.

Official Title

PRIME Care (PRecision Medicine In MEntal Health Care)

Stanford Investigator(s)

Trisha Suppes, MD, PhD
Trisha Suppes, MD, PhD

Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences (Public Mental Health and Population Sciences)


Inclusion Criteria:

* PHQ-9 score 10 and a presumptive diagnosis of MDD per PHQ-9 criteria
* at least one prior treatment exposure for MDD (psychotherapy or antidepressant
* intent to start treatment of the MDD with an antidepressant, simple dose increases will not be considered inclusionary
* willingness to provide signed, informed consent to participate in the study

Exclusion Criteria:

* current serious co-occurring psychiatric illness, i.e.:

* schizophrenia
* bipolar disorder
* psychotic major depression
* borderline or antisocial personality disorder
* eating disorder
* active alcohol or other drug use disorder
* current use of an antipsychotic medication
* augmentation therapy, e.g.:

* use of two or more antidepressants at the time of randomization (trazodone at a dosage \< 150 mg/day will not be considered augmentation and thus allowed)
* patients requiring urgent care or inpatient hospitalization at the time of consent
* currently incarcerated


other: Pharmacogenetic Test

Not Recruiting

Contact Information

Stanford University
School of Medicine
300 Pasteur Drive
Stanford, CA 94305
E. Grace Fischer
(650) 444-8983