PAtient-centered mUltidiSciplinary Care for vEterans Undergoing Surgery (PAUSE)


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Trial ID: NCT05037292


The PAUSE Trial is a pragmatic, randomized clinical trial for Veterans scheduled for elective surgery at 3 large VA facilities (Palo Alto, Houston, and Nashville). The PAUSE Trial focuses on cooperation between providers of various disciplines in order to provide better care. Veterans identified as frail upon standardized will be referred to a multidisciplinary "PAUSE Board" comprised of members from surgery, anesthesia, geriatrics, palliative care, case management, rehabilitation, and nutrition. Diverse specialists will come together in a team environment to discuss care options, scientific evidence, and patient goals and expectations, creating individual patient recommendations. The investigators hypothesize that the PAUSE Board model will improve quality and outcomes by promoting guidelines and evidence-based care recommendations as well as constructive team-based discussions to align care with patient goals and expectations.

Official Title

PAtient-centered mUltidiSciplinary Care for vEterans Undergoing Surgery (PAUSE): a Hybrid 1 Clinical Effectiveness-implementation Intervention Trial

Stanford Investigator(s)

Shipra Arya
Shipra Arya

Professor of Surgery (Vascular Surgery)


Inclusion Criteria:

Chart/Database Review:

   - Patient must have elective surgery within the intervention period

   - Surgery must be with a qualifying specialty (general, vascular, orthopedics,
   cardio-thoracic, urology, neurosurgery, and others [e.g., Plastics/ENT])

   - Surgery must be at either the VA Palo Alto, VA Houston, or VA Nashville

VA Providers:

   - Service and Section Chief Interviews:

      - Must be the Surgery Service Line chief (or appointed designee).

      - Must be Section Chief (or appointed designee) of a qualifying surgical specialty
      (general, vascular, orthopedics, cardio-thoracic, urology, neurosurgery, and
      others [e.g., Plastics/ENT]).

      - Must serve at the VA Palo Alto, VA Houston, or VA Nashville.

   - Focus Groups:

      - Must be a healthcare provider at VA Palo Alto, VA Houston, or VA Nashville.

      - Must have planned or prior experience participating in PAUSE Board meetings.

   - Referral Frequency Interviews:

      - Must be a member of the surgical team with one of the qualifying surgical
      specialties (general, vascular, orthopedics, cardio-thoracic, urology,
      neurosurgery, and others [e.g., Plastics/ENT]).

      - Must be one of the high- or low-referring providers to the PAUSE Board.

Exclusion Criteria:

Chart/Database Review:

-Non-Veteran (USA)

VA Providers:

-Refusal or inability to participate during site visits.


other: PAUSE Intervention


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Contact Information

Stanford University
School of Medicine
300 Pasteur Drive
Stanford, CA 94305
Ashley Langston, MS MA
605-493-5000 Ext. 62923