©2024 Stanford Medicine
SANTE - Stimulation of the Anterior Nucleus of the Thalamus for Epilepsy
Not Recruiting
Trial ID: NCT00101933
The purpose of this research is to study the safety and effectiveness of bilateral stimulation of the anterior nucleus of the thalamus as adjunctive therapy for reducing the frequency of seizures in adults diagnosed with epilepsy characterized by partial-onset seizures, with or without secondary generalization, that are refractory to antiepileptic medications.
Official Title
SANTE - Stimulation of the Anterior Nucleus of the Thalamus for Epilepsy
Stanford Investigator(s)
Robert Fisher, MD, PhD
The Maslah Saul, MD, Professor and Professor, by courtesy, of Neurosurgery
Relevant Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria are listed below.
Inclusion Criteria
* Partial-onset seizures with or without secondary generalization. The final determination shall be made by the Investigator based on a clinical description of the seizures and previous diagnostic testing that includes, at a minimum, video/clinical EEG that captured at least one ictal event.
* Anticipated average of 6 or more partial-onset seizures (with or without secondary generalized seizures) per month during the Baseline Phase, with no more than 30 days between seizures during the Baseline Phase.
* Refractory to antiepileptic drugs (AEDs). Patients will be considered refractory if they have failed at least three AEDs due to lack of efficacy.
* Receiving one to four currently marketed AEDs
* Be between 18 and 65 years of age at the time of lead implant
Exclusion Criteria:
* Multilobar (\>3 different lobes) anatomic areas of seizure onset
* Symptomatic generalized epilepsy
* Previous diagnosis of psychogenic/non-epileptic seizures
* Presence of implanted electrical stimulation medical device anywhere in the body (e.g., cardiac pacemakers, spinal cord stimulator) or any metallic implants in the head (e.g., aneurysm clip, cochlear implant). Vagal nerve stimulators are allowed if the device has been turned off for at least 30 days prior to the Baseline Week -12 visit and the patient agrees to have the generator explanted prior to or at the time of the Kinetra Neurostimulator implant.
device: Medtronic DBS Therapy for epilepsy
device: Medtronic DBS Therapy for epilepsy
Not Recruiting
Contact Information
Stanford University
School of Medicine
300 Pasteur Drive
Mimi Callanan, NP