©2025 Stanford Medicine
Stanford Spine Keeper - Managing Your Low Back Pain
Not Recruiting
Trial ID: NCT05443503
Mobile health applications (mHealth apps) are transforming medical research and intervention by allowing constant, instantaneous and personalized access to patients. The investigators have designed a mHealth app (Stanford SpineKeeper) utilizing the Apple ResearchKit and HealthKit platform, which is an open source software framework designed Apple Inc to be used by medical researchers to use for research purposes. The investigators will assess whether a multidisciplinary intervention delivered through the application can help improve quality of life and minimize symptoms in patients with chronic low back pain.
Official Title
Stanford Spine Keeper (Who Has Your Back) - A Lifestyle Modification Program for Management of Chronic Low Back Pain
Stanford Investigator(s)
Matthew Smuck, MD
Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery
Inclusion Criteria:
1. Self-reported "yes" to the question "Have you ever had low back pain for 6 months?"
2. Ownership of an iPhone with an updated operating system (iOS 8 or 9) compatible with Apple ResearchKit with internet connectivity.
3. Self-reported aged 18 years and older with medical-decision making capacity.
4. Literacy in the English language
Exclusion Criteria:
1. Any serious chronic medical issues (severe cardiac or pulmonary medical problems, cancer) that may limit ability to participate in physical therapy and home exercise.
2. Individuals who are pregnant, incarcerated, decisionally impaired.
other: Mobile health applications (mHealth apps) based intervention
Not Recruiting
Contact Information
Stanford University
School of Medicine
300 Pasteur Drive
Ma Agnes Ith