©2025 Stanford Medicine
Value of Mifepristone in Cervical Preparation Prior to Dilation and Evacuation 19-24 Weeks
Not Recruiting
Trial ID: NCT01615731
A common practice for preparation for surgical abortion after 19 weeks gestation is the placement of multiple sets of osmostic dilators 1-2 days prior to the procedure. The investigators aim to study the addition of mifepristone as an adjunct to cervical dilation prior to abortion between 19-24 weeks gestation, and its potential to minimize the number of painful procedures and time in clinic (or away from work/home) that multiple sets of dilators can require. The investigators hypothesize that one set of dilators with mifepristone will result in similar procedure times and decreased "total" time as two sets of dilators.
Official Title
Value of Mifepristone in Eliminating the Need for a Second Set of Osmotic Dilators Prior to Dilation and Evacuation Between 19-24 Weeks: A Randomized Trial
Stanford Investigator(s)
Paul D. Blumenthal, MD, MPH
Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology (Gynecology-Family Planning) at the Stanford University Medical Center, Emeritus
Inclusion Criteria:
* \>18 years old
* Viable, Singleton pregnancy
* Voluntarily seeking abortion between 19 and 24wks gestation
* Able to give informed consent and comply with study protocol
* Fluent in English or Spanish
Exclusion Criteria:
* Allergy to misoprostol or mifepristone
drug: Misoprostol
drug: Intra-amniotic digoxin
drug: Mifepristone
other: Hygroscopic cervical dilators
Not Recruiting
Contact Information
Stanford University
School of Medicine
300 Pasteur Drive
Kate A Shaw, MD